March 6, 2025   Updated the following item:
Added monthy financials.
Aded 2024 Photo album.
Updated membership list

February 27, 2025   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list.
Removed March dinner from schedule

February 2, 2025   Updated the following item:
Added post event write up for Jan 25 lucheon.

January 21, 2025   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list.
Added information on the 35th anniversary auction.

January 15, 2025   Updated the following item:
Added information for the 35th anniversary event

January 5, 2025   Updated the following item:
Update #1 For January lunch.

December 25, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Holiday Mazda article to front page.
Added sign up sheets for the 35 anniversary event
Added new password for member area

December 1, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added drop down tab for 35th anniversary event.
Added financial report for November
Updated front page.

November 22, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added minutes from annual meeting to the web page.

November 16, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list.
Updated front page.

November 6, 2024   Updated the following item:
Opened BMC clothing store.
Updated monthly financial report
Updated membership list.

October 31, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated front page, added 35th anniversity poster to top.

October 24, 2024   Updated the following item:
Update #2 for Christmas Event
Added post event article for Holy Hill ride.

October 14, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added post event article for House on the Rock event..

October 6, 2024   Updated the following item:
Update #2 for Holy Hill ride.
Added September financial results ..

September 22, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added minutes from last board meeting.
Updated membership list.

September 20-21, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Updates #2 & #3 for the SCCA National Championship Runoffs at Road America.

September 19, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Update #1 for Annual Planning Meeting.

September 15, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Update #3 for Drive Inn Movie Event.

September 7, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added information about new insurance.
Updated membership list.

August 15, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list
Added monthly financial report for August.

August 28, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Update #1 for Drive Inn Movie Event.
Updated membership list.

August 15, 2024   Updated the following item:
Addded September 15 event "Sneaky Pete's Wild West show"
Added December 7 Christmas Show event.

August 10, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added post event article for August 10 ride.
Added Update #1 for Holy Hill Drive.

August 5, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list.
Updated front page.
Posted monthly financial report

August 1, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added post evvent article for July 31 Tiki ride.
Added video explaining web page.

July 25, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added "Bill Drive Updated" to southwest history archive.
Updated front page.
Added Post Event article for Old Bill Drive

July 5, 2024   Updated the following item:
Removed information on July 2nd board of director meeting.
Changed "Receipt" drop down menu to "Photo Albums".

June 28, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Update #1 for IMSA/MX% Road America event.

June 25, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Update #1 for Responde de Quaestione #1 event
Added Update #2 for Bill Revisited drive.
Added post event article for Cars & Guitars event.

June 21, 2024   Updated the following item:
Cancelled Holiday Mazda Drive.
Updated membership list.

June 15, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Update #1 for Revisiting Bill ride.
Removed information from front page about June 15 car show.

June 9, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added article about 35 aniversary to front page.
Replaced officers last names with their last name initial

June 7, 2024   Updated the following item:
Removed Puddle Doock article from front page.
Added Miataland article. Updated membership list.

May 31, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added 1995 and 25 Anniversary photo albums
Updated membership list.

May 26, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list.
Added Ad #177.

May 25, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added update #1 for Old Tiki Drive
Removed articles on Road America and Badgerland market from web page.
Updated membership list.

May 22, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated front page with article about clothing store closing for the season.
Updated information on the Puddle Dock Drive.

May 16, 2024   Updated the following item:
Update more new info for the Road America Event.
Attendance lists updated for multiple events.

May 8, 2024   Updated the following item:
Update attending list for Road America Event.

May 5, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated attending list for the Holiday Mazda Drive.
Posted minutes from May board meeting.

May 2, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated mambership List
Added financial report for April.

April 29, 2024   Updated the following item:
Removed Tech Day information from web page,
Update #1 for Puddle Dock Ride,
Updated #1 for Holiday Mazda Drive.

April 21, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added information about the clothing store opening.
Updated membership list.

April 20, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated front page with article about clothing store being open

April 8, 2024   Updated the following item:
Update #2 for Mud Run.

April 5, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list.
Added 1994 photo album

April 2, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added financial report for March
Updated membership list.

March 23, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list.
Added 1992 photo album

March 19, 2024   Updated the following item:
Update #2 for Cars & Guitars car show
Updated membership list.

March 13, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list
Added Update #1 for Road America Event

March 1, 2024   Updated the following item:
Update #1 for Tech Day, Ladies Day & Mud Run.
Updated membership list.
Added February financials to web page.
Added event Cars & Guitars on June 15

February 26, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list
Updated information on scrap books
Removes Fireside information from front page

February 14, 2024   Updated the following item:
Updated front page removing old articles.
Added minutes from February board meeting to web page archives.

February 8, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added information on the Madison Rally
Updated information on scrap books
Added article to front page about planning for 35th anniversity

February 4, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added Sugar River Pizza post event article

February 2, 2024   Updated the following item:
Removed Pizza lunch event from front page.
Added financial report for January
Updated membership list

January 28, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added 2003,2004 and 2005 photo albums to the web site.

January 23, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added update #1 for Fat Tuesday dinner

January 18, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added 2002 photo album to web site.

January 16, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added 2001 photo album to web site.
Added information about board meeting to web page.

January 15, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added update #2 for the Sugas River Pizza event.

January 12, 2024   Updated the following item:
Update #1 for Fireside Theater event.

January 7, 2024   Updated the following item:
Added 2023 photo album
Updated membership list
Added year end financial statement.
Added obituary for Bonnie Wiesmueller.
Added December bank statement.

December 14, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added information on Sugar River Pizza event.

December 3, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added new event for October 5.
Updated membership list
Added November bank statement.

November 24, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added post event article about Palace Christmas Show.

November 10, 2023   Updated the following item:
Updated club officers list.
Archived 2023 rides and post event articles.
Added new president's message to front web page.
Added 2024 budget
Updated membership list
Updated web page with 2024 events.

November 3, 2023   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list
Added yearly financial report
Added webmaster's 2023 report.
Added monthly financial report.

November 1, 2023   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list
Added board minutes to web site..

October 25, 2023   Updated the following items:
Update #1 for annual meeting
Updated front web page
Updated membership list

October 19, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added article opening BMC apprail store
Added post event article for fall color ride.

October 6, 2023   Updated the following items:
Listed ad #176
Updated monthly financial report

September 27, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added Kettle Moraine drive to archives
Added Kettle moraine post event article.

September 22, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added article about board meeting to front web page

September 17, 2023   Updated the following item:
Updated membership list
Added Update #2 for fall color tour

September 7, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added monthly financial report for August.

September 5, 2023   Updated the following item:
Combined second article on Door County ride with the first article and posted it
Added photos of the door couny trip to the web page photo section.
Added article in Wisconsin's Curvy road to front page.

September 2, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated front page
Added update #1 for South Kettle Moriane ride

August 28, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added Mississippi and Door County rides to archives
Added post event article for the Door County ride

August 23, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added write up for Ride WIth GPS event.

August 20, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added eveny in Mequon from River Club of Mequon.
Updated front page, removed old articles

August 2, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added financial report for July
Updated Front Page.

July 30, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added information on Miata Homecoming Midwest Gathering<

July 27, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added August "Ride with GPS" event.
Added post event articled for the Mississippi rice. Page 1-page 2
Updated Front Page.

July 25, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added update number 2 to Road America August event.

July 15, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.

July 8, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added monthly financial information.
Updated membership list.

July 4, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.

June 29, 2023   Updated the following item:
Removed information on the canceled July 18 Road America Performance Driving event.

June 26, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated the attendees list for the IMSA/Road America event.
A little clean-up on the Homepage.

June 23, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added Ride With GPS info and a turn-by-turn PDF file of Holiday Mazda Drive to the homepage middle section and the Holiday Mazda Drive page.
Updated the attendees list for the Color Tour.

June 19, 2023   Updated the following items:
Revised and updated the Merchandise Apparel Store links.
Updated the attendees list and added info on the waitlist for the Mississippi River Ride.
Updated the attendees list for the Color Tour.

June 9, 2023   Updated the following item:
Added Update #1 for the Color Tour.

June 5-6, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added and updated the wait list for the Mississippi River Ride.

June 3, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added Treasure's report for May
Added update #1 for August Road America event.
Updated membership list
Added Update #3 for Mississippi River Ride.

May 27, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added post event article for Road America event..

May 13, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for Mississippi run
Added pictures from the Micro Car Museum event.
Removed electronic membership application form.
Updated membership list
Added post event article for Micro Museum event

May 5, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added monthly financial report for April.

April 16, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for the Mud Run
Added pictures from the Mud Run.
Aded information for the Micro Car Museum drive
Added information for the Holiday Mazda Drive

April 25, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added pictures from Mud Run.
Added Information on a new event, Micro Car Museum

April 16, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added update #3 for Mud Run

April 7, 2023   Updated the following items:
Removed article on BMC store.
Update #2 for Mud Run
Added article about new VP-n

April 1, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Removed article on Madison Road Rally

March 24, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added information about possible Miataland trip.
Added link to the membership apparel store
Added Update #1 for the Mud Run event.

March 19, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added information on the opening of the BMC apparel store.
Update #1 for Road America SVRA Spring Vintage Racing Festival

February 26, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.

February 22, 2023   Updated the following items:
Removed September fun ride.
Added information for Performance Driving class in July.
Updated membership list

February 16, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.

February 9, 2023   Updated the following items:
Added information on Spring Scamper car rally

February 7, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added information Door County Event

October 27, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated Membership List

January 24, 2023   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added information for Fat Tuesday Dinner

October 27, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added pictures from Coloma Christmas event.
Added Coloma Christmas post event article

December 1, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added 2023 event list to front page

October 27, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added minutes of the 2022 annual meeting and 2023 budget to the archives

November 3, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Installed new counter to first page.
Added revised minutes from annual meeting
Added Board minute from 10-27-22 meeting.

October 27, 2022   Updated the following items:
Update #2 for annual Planning Meeting.

October 24, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added photos from Fall Color ride.
Added Color Tour Post Event Article.

October 12, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added financial report for September.
Updated membership list.
Update #2 for Fall Color Ride.

September 25, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added post event article for September 10th ride.
Updated web site to accept credit card payments for membership fees.

September 18, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added updates to the Home Page.
Updated membership list
Added August financial statement.

September 14, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added updates to the Home Page.
Added update #1 for the Christmas on the Farm event.

September 8, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added updates to the Home Page.
Added update #1 for the Fall Color Ride
Added update #1 for the Rock n Roll Legends event.

August 16, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added minutes from August board meeting.
Removed information about accepting credit cards for membership.
Added update #3 for driving for apples ride.

August 19, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for Pier Natural Bridge Park drive
Added update #1 for Baumgartener's and Brewery drive
Updated membership application to accept credit cards.

August 16, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added BACK 2 Post event Article" event

August 7, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated monthly financial airport
Updated membership list.

July 21, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added June budget report.
Added update #1 for "Southwest Drive".
Added Update #2 for "Driving for Apples".
Added Update #2 for "Movie Night" event

July 2, 2022   Updated the following items:
Posted obit fpr Terry Lucas.

June 29, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Holiday Mazda drive.

June 29, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Holiday ride.

June 13, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added Mini-Car museum post event article.
Added pictures of the Mini-Car Museum to the photo section.

June 9, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for "Pooping in Illinois" ride.
Added 2 Motortrend review of 2022 MX-5 RF.
Updated Membership list and monthly financial report.
Update #2 for Holiday Mazda Ride.
Update #2 for Road America August event

June 6, 2022   Updated the following items:
Removed Jim Tuckwood Memorial drive from schedule
Removed Article about "Pooping in Illinois" ride from front page.
Removed article about club clothing sale from front page.

May 29, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list

May 25, 2022   Updated the following items:
Moved old meeting notes into archives,
Removed Road America article from front web page.
Updated membership list

May 20, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list

May 16, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Mud Run-Ladies Day

May 8, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added monthly finance report
Added information on BMC clothes sales to front page of web site.

May 2, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added update #3 to the mud run ride.
Added update #2 to the Road America event.
Added update #1 to ar museum ride

April 28, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Removed April movie night and GPS training from schedule.
Put a hold on the Mud Run event.

April 7, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.

March 31, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added minutes from 3-30-22 BMC board meeting
Added electronic BMC application

March 29, 2022   Updated the following items:
Removed Utah Miata Club Article from front page.
Added Red Skelton post event article.

March 28, 2022   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list

March 20, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added information about the Milwaukee Region Road Rally schedule

March 12, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for the B.A.C.K 2.0 Ride.

March 5, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added information on the Utah Miata club National Parks Trip to the front page

February 24, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for Holiday Mazda Drive.
Updated membership list.

February 17, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added Update #1 for Mud Run Event.

February 16, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added Upddate #1 roe May 21 Road America Event

February 6, 2022   Updated the following items:
Update #2 for Pooping in Illinois .
Removed article about tech advisors from front page.
Removed Sugar River Pizza article from front page.

January 22, 2022   Updated the following items:
Added March 24 Red Skelton event.

January 7, 2022   Updated the following items:

Added non BMC information on Road Rally in Madison and driving Miatas in Italy.
Added Craig Hodne obituary to front page.

December 31, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added information on January 22 lunch event.

December 16, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added Article about Clauson Family Show to front web page.

December 12, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list and monthly financial report.

November 29, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated History1 and History2 HTML files.
Added web page to show 2022 events.

November 22, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added annual meeting minutes to web page.
Updated membership list

November 11, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added ad #175
Updated members area with new operating procedure.

November 9, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added Jan Bright as Secretary

November 4, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list and monthly treasure's report.

November 1, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added links to planning meeting agenda and revised by-laws to planning meeting article on front page of web site.

October 26, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Fall Color Tour.
Added post event article for Holy Hill ride.
Added pictures from the Holy Hill ride to the web page.
Added Holy Hill Ride cue sheet to the southeast archives.

October 24, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added article about Fall Color Tour to front page.
Updated information for the Clauson Family Concert

October 18, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Fall Color Tour.
Added badgerland board member meeting agenda.
Added information for Badgerland annual meeting.
Added update #4 for Holy Hill Ride

October 3, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added monthly financial report.
Added information for the Clauson Family Concert

October 1, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added pictures from waterfall ride.
Added post event article for Waterfall Ride

September 25, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 for the Holy Hill Ride

September 24, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated Membership list.
Added monthly financial report for September

September 19, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for "Drive for Apples"

September15, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated Membership list.
Added update #2 for fall color ride.

September 9, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added Jim Tuckwood's obitury to front web page.

September 5, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated Membership list.
Added board of director minutes from the July meeting to the members section.
August 30, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added BACK ride post event article ride.
Added BACK Drive instructions to monthly drive list
Updated front page removing old articles and adding BACK post ride article.

August 21, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added Update #3 for "Driving for Apples" drive
August 18, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added information for Driving for Apples ride.
Updated membership list

August 16, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Rustic Road Revisited ride
Added post event article for Road America Event

August 6, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added survey information about CB vs FM to front page

August 2, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Updated finances for July.
Added note to front page to contact Marcy if interested in attending Zoom board meeting.

July 28, 2021   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #174

July 27, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added update #4 for Rustic Revisited drive

July 26, 2021   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #172
Added information about FM and CB radios on front web page.
July 15, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added Update #3 for Rustic Road Revisited
Added pictures and post event article for Winding Roads IV ride

July 9, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 for Waterfall Tour.
Added financial report for June 2021.
Added update #2 for BACK Ride
Updated membership list.

July 5, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 for Rustic Road Revisited
Added information for SCCA Rallye

July 1, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 for August 7 IMSA Road America Sport Car Race.

June 30, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added ad #173.

June 28, 2021   Updated the following items:
Removed Mississippi ride from schedule
Added post event article for P-ing across Wisconsin drive.
Added pictures from the P-ing across Wisconsin drive.

June 24, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added ad #172.

June 21, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Removed AD 171
Add Update @ for Waterfall tour.

June 12, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added ad #171.

June 8, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 for Winding IV Ride

June 6, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 to P-ing ride
Removed ad #169.
Updated Membership list.

June 1, 2021   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #168
Updated membership list and monthly financial report

May 23, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added road America article to front web page.

May 21, 2021   Updated the following items:
added ad #169

May 19, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated the following files 01currentO&S, PEvents-2020, history1 and history2.

May 7, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated Membership List.
Added pictures from 2021 Mud Run to web photos.
Added ride information for Holiday ride.
Added Mud Run post event article to Events and front web page.

April 25, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added ad #168.

April 24, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated Membership List.
Added pictures from 2021 Tech Day to web photos.

April 20, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Tech Day.
Added blank agenda form, board meeting agenda from 3-9-21 and minutes from board meeting on 3-9-21 to membership area.

April 14, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added information on June 26 ride.

April 12, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added March financial report to members area

April 4, 2021   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #166

March 30, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added information for "Mud Run" ride
Moved "Ride with GPS" information to the right hand column.
March 22, 2021   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #167
Added Badger Burrow Tour Rallye information to non-BMC events.,
March 18, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list to 3-17-20
Added information for Road America May 15 event
Added Miata generation guide link to front page.
March 9, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added Revision 1 for Tech Day
Added email for Craig Hodne and Terry Lucas as Tech1 and tech 2 advisers,
Added articles to front page about new tech advisers and tech day,
Removed non BMC events from 2020.
March 6, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added ads ad 166 and ad 167 to web site.
Updated membership list to 3-4-20
Updated monthly financial report to Feb, 2021
February 20, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
January 27, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added post event article about Pizza lunch
January 24, 2021   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list and monthly financial report.
January 16, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added article from Craig Hodne about Mazda logos
Added all 2021 post event articles to web archives and front page.
January 8, 2021   Updated the following items:
Added information on pizza lunch event.
December 22, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated annual meeting minutes, revised by-laws and revised operating procedures
December 14, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added annual meeting minutes
November 14, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added 2021 events
November 12, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added information about converting Ride with GPS data to Garmin devices
November 6, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added 2021 proposed budget, 2020 actual spending, and webmaster 2020 report
October 19, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Wildcat Mountain Drive.
Added information on Moss motors photo contest.
Added information about "Ride with GPS".
October 13, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added ad #165
Removed ads 163 and 164
Added pictures from wildcat mountain ride.
October 10, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
October 6, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Lookin for color ride.
Added pictures from Lookin for color ride.
October 1, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added letter from president about cancelling annual meeting and replacing it with a boars meeting.
Removed old article about cancelling annual meeting.
Removed ad#162.
Added Kettle Moraine Colors Rallye to non BMC events.
September 21, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added post event for door county
September 15, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added "Lookin' for Color" event.
Added post event article on Door County event.
September 14, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added ad #163 and #164
September 6, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Cancelled Fireside event.
August 31, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added August finance report
Updated membership list
August 26, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
August 25, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for Wild Cat Mountain Overture
August 20, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added ad#162 for 1990 Mazdz Miata.
August 11, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added information on August 19 movie night
August 9, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 for the Door County Ride
August 7, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added July financial information
August 2, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added BMC Non-Picnic post event article
Removed Winding Tour III and Movie night articles from front web page.
July 30, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added information on annual meeting
July 22, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated scheduled rides on front web page
July 21, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for movie night.
July 19, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 for BMC Picnic
Updated membership list.
Cancelled Holy Kill Ride.
July 17, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Winding Tour III ride.
Cancelled July 26 Door County Ride.
Added club financials for June.
Removed post event article on La Crosse Ride from front page.
Added post event article about Winding Tour III trip to front page.
July 10, 2020   Updated the following items:
Removed "Movie Night " article from front web page.
Cancelled Aug 1 event at Road America.
Updated membership list.
June 26, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 for Winding Tour III ride.
Cancelled Mississippi Ride.
Added information on Badger Burrow Rallye
June 24, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 to BMC Picnic.
June 20, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added update #1 for Movie Night
Added post event article from La Crosse ride.
Added pictures from La Crosse ride.
June 10, 2020   Updated the following items:
Postponed Yellowstone Trail Drive..
June 8, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added update #1 for Winding Tour III.
June 1, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added May treasure report to web archive.
May 24, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
May 20, 2020   Updated the following items:
Changed date of La Crosse drive to June 13 and added information for signing up.
May 7, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added waiting list to Door County event
May 4, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated Membership List
Updated club financial report
April 30, 2020   Updated the following items:
Cancelled Holiday Mazda drive
April 29, 2020   Updated the following items:
Deleted ads 160 and 161
Updated information On " Miatas in Margaritaville" event on front web page.
April 17, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
April 7, 2020   Updated the following items:
Cancelled Spring Vintage event at Road America
April 1, 2020   Updated the following items:
Cancelled April 25th Mud Run
March 23, 2020   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
March 17, 2020   Updated the following items:
Cancelled Tech day, Ladies Day and Moab events.
Entered Update #1 for Door County Event.
Added article on front page changing date of La Crosse Drive.
March 15, 2020   Updated the following items:
Reschuled the La Crosse Drive to May 29.
March 4, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Fat Tuesday Dinner.
March 1, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added information on April 4th Ladies Day event.
Update #2 for April 4th Tech Day.
February 28, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added ad161
Removed ad159
February 26, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added information Tech Day to front page and events calendar
February 22, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added ad160
Added information about death of Tom Weismueller
Removed ad 158.
Removed October Autobahn event.
February 11, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added information for about Miatas in Margaritaville.
Updated membership list.
Added ad #159.
February 6, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added information on the Chicago Auto Show
Updated membership list
Changed membership application to reflect new annual membership rate of $25.
January 25, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added information for Tom Anderson's obit.
Updated membership list.
Added information about Fat Tuesday dinner.
January 15, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added ad#158
Added information on SCCA Road Rally
January 12, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added information of Tom Anderson's death on the web page
January 11, 2020   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #154
Added ad #157 for 1999 Miata
January 4, 2020   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 for Sugar River Pizza Luncheon
December 26, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed Sauk-it to Me article from front page
Added article about changing from CB's to FM radio for ride communication.
Removed ad 156.
December 7, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added details for Miata Tuscany Tour to web page.
Updated membership list dated 11-21-19.
November 25, 2019   Updated the following items:
Changed date of Mud Run from April 18 to April 25
November 21, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added ad#156 to web page.
November 18, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added information for January 25 dinner.
November 15, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added 2020 ride schedule to front web page.
Archived 2019 rides and post event articles.
November 12, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #153.
Updated membership list
Added minutes from November 2 annual membership meeting.
Added monthly financial report for October.
Added webmaster 2019 annual report.
October 30, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added article about the Surf 'N' Safari regional event in San Diego, October 2020.
October 25, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added ad#155
Added pictures from Sauk it to meet ride
Added ride instructions for Sauk it to meet ride to members only history.
Added "Sauk it to Meet" post event article.
October 21, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added October financial report.
Updated membership list
October 8, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #153. Added ad #154
Added article about Salk it 2 Meet ride to front page
September 26, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed information on the front page about the Utah Miata club trip in October
Removed from the front page the article about canceling the Mississippi ride
Added update #2 for our annual meting
September 18, 2019   Updated the following items:
Canceled Mississippi ride
September 8, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added Honor Flight story to front page
Added Update #1 for October 5, ride to the schedule and front page.
Added Honor flight photos to the members photo page.
September 5, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for the annual meeting in November
Removed ad #152
Added new monthly financial report.
Updated membership list.
August 28, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added Buffalo Stampede post event article to events and front page.
Removed ad #159
Added Buffalo Stampede pictures to web photo section.
Added information about Canada's Capital Miata Meet
Updated dated for Miatas in Moab VI.
Added information for Utah's club Italian trip.
Added Update #1 for Sauk City Ride.
Added ad #153
August 7, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added ad#152
Removed ad #148 from web page.
August 5, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added ad151 to web site
Added new membership list
July 30, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for La Crosse Ride to events and front page
Removed article about Mazda show car at Holiday Mazda
July 25, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added article to web page about Mazda show car at Holiday Mazda.
Added story aboyt La Crosse ride to web page.
Added article to web page about August club events.
July 21, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #149
Added trip directions for the La Crosse ride to our archives.
Removed article about July drives from front web page and added article about August drives,
Posted pictures from the Bergstrom and La Crosses rides.
July 16, 2019   Updated the following items:
Update #2 for Buffalo Stampede ride
Added update #3 for the IMS Sports car challenge at Road America.
July 11, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added ad#149 for 2008 Miata>
July 6, 2019   Updated the following items:
Placed ad #148 on web page
removed ad #147 from web page
June 30, 2019   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list and monthly financial report
Canceled October Chili run and picnic
June 22, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added a separate drop down menu for photos
Added post event article for Holiday Miata Ride.
Added Holiday Mazda post event article to front web page.
Added photos from Holiday Mazda ride to photo section.
Added article about BMC's two July rides to front web page.
June 18, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 to Autobahn Hyperdrive
Added update #2 to IMS Sports car challenge
June 10, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added added update 1 for the Mississippi River Ride.
Deleted ad #ad145
June 6, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added ad147 to web page
June 1, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 for La Crosse ride.
May 27, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Spring Vintage Festival at Road America
May 24, 2019   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list dated 5-23-19.
Add information on the death of Betty Lucas to the web page.
Removed ad #146.
Added update #1 for the Bergstrom Miata Ride.
May 22, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added ad146
Added note to front page canceling La Crosse ride
May 20, 2019   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list dated 5-16-19.
May 18, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added post event mud run article to web page.
May 10, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for Holiday Mazda Ride
Added Ad #145 to web page.
Updated finances in members section.
May 6, 2019   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Removed Old rides from "Other Special Events
Added information 2019 Oregon ride and 2020 Moab ride.
Added Mud Run XI ride instructions to archives.
May 3, 2019   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Removed Don Miller logo from front page.
April 29, 2019   Updated the following items:
Updated #2 for the Spring Vintage Racing Festival at Road America.
Aptil 25, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added SCCA events for May 4th and 5th under other special events.
April 23, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed Don Miller sponsorship from front page.
Updated Facebook link to go to our new Facebook page.
Aptil 21, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added article about Badgerland Facebook Group to front web page
April 19, 2019   Updated the following items:
Updated member list.
Aptil 18, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for La Crosse ride. Changed date to June 1st
April 15, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 for the May 4th Mud Run.
Added Buggy and Bridges III to the "other ride section".
March 27, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added information about Tom Boll's death to front page.
March 17, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added Fat Tuesday Dinner Post Event Article to front web page.
Added presidents article to front web page.
Added short article aboout the next event (Mud Run)to front page.
March 15, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added information for Mud Run XI ride.
March 8, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Fat Tuesday Dinner.
Added information to front page for Moss Motorfest 2019
March 2, 2019   Updated the following items:
Updated information on Fat Tuesday Dinner
February 24, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added information on the two road America events. Spring Vintage Festival Weekend and Sportscar Weekend
February 20, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added preliminary information for the Bergstrom Ride in July
February 11, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed article about Mazda stories and added information about Fat Tuesday Dinner to front web page.
Removed ad #143
Added update #1 for Buffalo Stampede ride.
February 8, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed article about Chicago Auto show looking for a pearl white miata.
Added Don's article to front page
February 2, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added Highwaymen concert post event article
Removed 2018 password from system
Added 2019 list of events to SiteMap
January 26, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added information for Fat Tuesday Dinner
Removed "Highway Concert article from front page
Added information on Spring Scamper Regional Touring Car Rally
January 22, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added ad 143 to web page
January 20, 2019   Updated the following items:
Removed Fat Tuesday from events list.
Removed article about christmas party from the front page.
Added article about Mazda wanting 2009 pearl white Miata for Chicago Car Show
January 3, 2019   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 to January Highway Concert
December 18, 2018   Updated the following items:
Updated History2.html file with the 2018 rides
Updated main web page with the 2019 rides, removed the 2018 rides.
Added 2018 post event articles to main page.
Added article to front page requesting a volunteer for VP N position.
Removed member names for VP N and Newsletter editor from web page.
Added article about Christmas Party.
December 12, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added treasure's report for November
Moved information on route 66 trip from front page to non BMC events.
November 29, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information to front page for Route 66 trip and Mazda Miata stories requested by Mazda.
November 26, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added VP-N annual report to web page
November 24, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added minutes from member's annual meeting to the web members area.
November 13, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information on December 15 Holiday party
November 8, 2018   Updated the following items:
Updated members list and added 2019 budget to members area.
Removed article about event notification and added story about January concert to front page.
October 30, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added Fall Color Ride post event article.
October 28, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added article about RSVPs on club rides to front web page.
October 24, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added Green Bay Drive and Fall Color Drive to archives
Added pictures from the fall color ride.
Added October N & NE Newsletter.
Moved N & NE Newsletter from right column to left column under events.
Reworked front of web page adding information on the annual meeting and an article about the advantages of having a CB.
October 6, 2018   Updated the following items:
Kettle Moraine Color Rally (non-BMC event) update for November 4.
Added message from the president to the home page.
October 2, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for the Nov 3 Annual Planning Meeting and the event flyer.
September 24, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Cliff Wall Drive
Added post event article for Mississippi River Drive
Put post event information for the Cliff Wall and Mississippi drive on the front page.
September 17, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #4 for Fall Color Ride
September 16, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed October 6th ride from web page
September 11, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #5 for the Mississippi River Ride
Added post event article for Fred Mueller Drive.
September 10, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added Cliff Wall Drive information to front web page
Added D Fred Mueller Drive to archives.
Added pictures from Fred Mueller Drive to web page.
Added update #2 for Fall Color Ride.
September 5, 2018   Updated the following items:
Posted montly financial report
September 2, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added Update #4 to Mississippi ride
August 30, 2018   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
August 26, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added Chicago Autobahn post event article
Added NE & NW Newsletter
August 25, 2018   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list and added treasure's report for July.
Added non BMC event, Fall Miata Monster Bash.
Added update #3 to Mississippi Ride (Sunday ride).
August 18, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 to the Cliff Wall drive
Added post event article for Road America event
Added post event article for lavender farm event.
Added information on Cliff Wall drive and Road America event on front web page.
July 26, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #3 to the Road America August event
Updated front page with Road America and Picnic information.
July 20, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 to the Mississippi River Drive
July 18, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 to the Mississippi River Drive
July 17, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #142
Added pictures of Bergstrom ride to web page
Added Bergstrom ride post event article
Removed Door County Ride information from front page added Bergstrom Ride information.
Added Bergstrom Ride directions to archives.
July 12, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #141
Update #2 to the August 4, Road America event
Updated Door County post event article with second article..
Added information for club picnic.
Added June newsletter to archives.
July 7, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed Deals Gap event from the events list.
Added September 22 Cliff Wall- Green Bay Drive to event list.
July 3, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #140
Added Update #2 to the lavender event.
Updated membership list and monthly finance report.
June 27, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed Deals Gap event from the events list.
Added August 4th Road America event to the events list
Added Post event article for the Door County Ride
Updated front page, added information on the Door County ride and the next ride at Bergstrom Mazda.
June 14, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added ad #142 for 2001 Silver Miata
Added information on Microcar Museum visit to the lavender event.
June 15, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information on January Highwayman concert
June 14, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 for Fred Mueller Mazda Drive
Added update #2 to Door County Ride
June 13, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 for Bergstrom Ride
June 11,, 2018   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
Added monthly NE & NW Newsletter.
Added monthly financial report.
Added ad #141
May 26, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information about July 21 Lavender Event.
Added post event article for SVRA Spring Vintage Festival
Removed CB article from front page, replaced it with SVRA Spring Vintage Festival Road America.
Added the post event article for the Meandering in May Ride.
Added ad #140.
May 23, 2018   Updated the following items:
Canceled Deals Gap Ride
Removed information from front page about both May rides.
Added information on front page about Holiday Motors ride
May 20, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information on October 20 Fall Color Ride
Updated membership list (5-15-2018)
May 12, 2018   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list and monthly financial report.
Added newsletter for north region.
May 9, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information on Bergstrom ride
Moved banner below picture on front page
May 6, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed Mud Run post event article from front page, add CB information by Jim Hotz to front page.
May 3, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information for May 19 ride
Removed ad #137
April 26, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information about October 2019 ride in Vermonts Green Mountains
Removed ad #138, added ad #138.
Added Mud Run 10 post event article.
Removed Appleton Museum post event article from front web page.
April 19, 2018   Updated the following items:
Updated members list
updated latest financial data
April 9, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added ad_138
March 28, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added ad #137 to web page for '94 Miata
March 26, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added Appleton trip report to front page events column.
Added pictures of the Appleton ride to the picture area of the web page
March 25, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 for Mud Run X
Added information on Road America May 19th event.
On the front page information on the Appleton ride was replaced with information on Mud Run X.
March 19, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added new "president's Letter to web page
Added information on SVRA Spring Vintage Festival
March 18, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information on the Blue Ridge and Skyline Parkway Drive
March 14, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information on Tennessee Mountain ride,.
Added information on Mt Hood Miata Club ride.
Removed old articles about the 50 best top down placed to go, Miatas at receways and release of the new MX5 Miata.
March 12, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for the Mud Run X event
March 8, 2018   Updated the following items:
Updated March 24 event.
March 6, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information on Milwaukee Region SCCA Road Rallies
February 17, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed ads 134 and 136
Replaced Fat Tuesday Dinner article on front page with Appleton Weekend event.
Added post event article for Fat Tuesday Dinner
February 6, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information for March event
Updated officers history file.
January 22, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added president's letter to front web page
Removed Dells weekend article from from page.
Added information on Door County ride.
January 20, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed president's letter
Added information about Fat Tuesday Dinner.
Added Post event article about "Dells Weekend" to the front web page.
January 16, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Dells weekend trip.
Added information for Holiday Motor event.
January 14, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added information about Chicago Audobaun events
January 10, 2018   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #135 for 2004 Miata.
January 5, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added Ad136 for sale of Miata
Removed links to all 2018 events that had no information
January 2, 2018   Updated the following items:
Added photos, car modifications, tech files, and tech advisors to BMc drop down menu
Added event recap for Clauson Family Christmas to the front web page, removed information obout Dells weekend.
Replaced the president's December letter with the president's January letter.
December 18, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added December newsletter to members area
December 11, 2017   Updated the following items:
Reworked and centered top banner
December 7, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed Viking Cruise from front page
Added ad #135
November 26, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed Clauson Family Christmas event from front page, replaced it with Jan 13 Dells weekend event.
Moved information on web page update requests to right column.
Added northern district newsletter
Added minutes from November annual meeting.
November 17, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added president's letter to front page
Removed javascript banner pages
Noveember 12, 2017   Updated the following items:
Changed Banner on front page to work with apple products.
Update #2 for Wisconsin Dells Weekend in January
Removed 2017 events from front page
November 10, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 For January Dells event
Added 2017 Post Event Articles ti web page
Noveember 9, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added preliminary information for 2018 rides
Updated new officers
November 6, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added presidents letter to front web page
Added information about Clauson Christmas show to frot web page
Added information about updating BMC web page to front page
Noveember 2, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added October Newsletter to archives
Ocober 27, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
October 26, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Ocober 19, 2017   Updated the following items:
Update #2 for membership meeting
October 17, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for the Sauk County Drive
Added October NE Newsletter
Removed information about Sauk County Drive from front WEB page
Added post event article about October 8 NE door county drive.
Added Door County drive to NE drive archive
Updated monthly treasure report.
Ocober 13, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added directions fo October 14th Sauk County Drive to members area.
October 7, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added Mississippi River post event article
September 27, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list.
Added fall newsletter to web page in member's section.
September 26, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed ad #133
Added pictures from Mississippi River Drive
Added Mississippi River drive to drive archives
September 18, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added president's letter to main page.
Moved Viking cruise post event to right column.
Removed Mississippi Ride from front page.
Added Annual membership Meeting information.
Added information to front web page for next ride, Saulk County.
September 12, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed ad#132
Added NE drive post event article
Added pictures from Puddle Dock III ride
Added pictures from Lake Geneva ride
September 3, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Tristed Triangle ridee
Added post event article for Puddle Dock Road III ride
August 28, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed outdated information from "Other Special Events Area"
August 26, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed Puddle Dock Road III from front page
Added Hyper Drive and Mississippi River Drive to front page
August 22, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed Southern Run Through Lake Geneva from front page
Removed most of Viking Cruise from front page.
Added Southern Run Through Lake Geneva to Drive Archives
Added post event article for Southern Run Through Lake Geneva post event article.
August 17, 2017   Updated the following items:
Posted NE regional newsletter.
Added NE drive archive "Road to Pickerel"
August 14, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added ad#133
August 10, 2017   Updated the following items:
Posted ad #132 removed ad #130
Posted article about Viking Cruise.
Canceled "To the Point" ride.
Add latest newsletter to archives
Removed "Savannah in Lake Geneva" ride from web page.
July 31, 2017   Updated the following items:
Chili Run event canceled
July 25, 2017   Updated the following items:
Posted BMC Picnic photos to photo library
July 23, 2017   Updated the following items:
Posted update #4 for Lake Geneva Drive.
Posted post-event article for BMC Picnic.
July 22, 2017   Updated the following items:
Posted Update #1 for Oct 14 Sauk County Drive.
Added Puddle Dock Road III to schedule in place of Aug 26 Viroqua Drive
July 19, 2017   Updated the following items:
Posted Lake Geneva drive on home page
Posted update #3 for Lake Geneva Drive.
July 16, 2017   Updated the following items:
Ad #131 removed per request - item sold.
Posted July Membership List in Members Area
Posted Update #2 for Chicago Hyperdrive Event.
July 14, 2017   Updated the following items:
Posted June Treasurer's Report to the Members Area
July 11, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added ad#131 for 2000 SE
July 8, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed link to Utah Club Viking River Cruise
Placed Club Picnic notice on center screen
July 5, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added update #1 for the September 16 Mississippi Ride
July 3, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Holiday Drive
Added post event article for Tech Day
Added summer newsletter to archives
June 27, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added Update #2 for Aug 19 Southern Run through Lake Geneva
June 23, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated membership list
June 18, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed information for Holiday Motor Run from front WEB page and added information on Three Lakes Eastern WI Miata Run
June 11, 2017   Updated the following items:
Replace Letter from the Prez with a new letter
Removed ad #129
May 30, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added spring newsletter to members section of web page.
Updated Membership List
Added update #3 for the Holiday Motor Run
May 29, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added information on NE members unscheduled ride
May 26, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated information on Holiday Motor Drive
Updated information on July 8 Miata Run
May 23, 2017   Updated the following items:
Corrected links to Mazda article on front pag. Corrected Windy City link for tour planning.
In BMC information area, replaced Audra with Jane Schwartz as editor and changed newsletter from monthly to quarterly
May 13, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added monthly treasure's report
Removed ads 123 and 124 from web page
May 12, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated Membership List
May 6, 2017   Updated the following items:
Canceled Viroqua Ride
Added post event article and pictures for The Great TV Auction
April 30, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated information on Puddle Dock Ride
Updated information on Tech Day
Updated information on Holiday Motor drive
Removed as #128, Added ad #129
Added note to message area of front page about replacement name badges.
April 30, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added post event article for Mud Run IX
Added pictures from Mud Run IX
April 18, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added president's letter to web page.
April 11, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added ad #128 to Web page
Removed ad #127
April 9, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added update #2 to the Great TV Auction Event.
April 5, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added ad #127 to Web page
Added monthly financial report.
Updated membership list.
March 29, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated "Other Special Events" with new information supplied by SCCA.
March 22, 2017   Updated the following items:
Removed information on Fat Tuesday dinner and replaced it with information on the Don Miller Mud Run.
March 16, 2017   Updated the following items:
Update #1 for Mud Run IX
March 15, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added ad#124, ad#125 and ad#126
March 6, 2017   Updated the following items:
Corrected day of Go-Cart event, changed Saturday to Sunday
February 24, 2017   Updated the following items:
Updated Twisted Triangle event
February 17, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added Maxine's and Marvin's stories to web page
Removed add #122
Added information on the Summer Picnic to events area of web page
Added Mike and MJ's story about their Miata Club experience
February 11, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added information for March 18th go carting event
Added ads #123 and #124
February 2, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added Performance Driving Experience to "Other Special Events" section
Added information on Roads Scholar Natural Course and Badger Burrow National and Roads Scholar Social Rallies.
January 29, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added information for Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge.
Added information for NASA Hyperdrive event
January 23, 2017   Updated the following items:
added information about Fat Tuesday dinner to front page and events.
Updated web page contributors list
January 4, 2017   Updated the following items:
Added information for The Great TV Auction
January 1, 2017   Updated the following items:
Archived 2016 archive file in members/archive/old web updates
Added Paul's story to officers page.
Added Ron's story to officers page.