Update #2 (April 29, 2019)
Come join us for the fun. This year we are going to do a few things different.
First, we will be meeting for breakfast at 8:00 AM at Almas Café in Allenton. Almas is located West of Hwy. 41 just off of Hwy 33 in Allenton. As you are coming down
the hill into Allenton there is a gas station on your right. Turn right on that road and Almas is on your left at the North end of the small strip mall.
After a hardy meal we will head up to Road America where we (for those who so desire.) will register for the noon track tour. We will be parking the cars in
the touring paddock so anyone who is coming and skips breakfast can meet up with the rest of the group. The rest of the morning will be spent wandering the pits
talking to drivers and watching some great racing including the “Heritage Races” exclusive to 90 through 93 spec Miatas. After the track tour we will be setting up
near turn 6 where we will be grilling out. We are planning on having burgers, brats, potato salad and what ever you desire to bring along. All beverages will be
on your own. So bring a lawn chair, something for the grill, and be ready for a fun afternoon of great racing and friendly conversation. Ear protection is recommended.