The club has purchased Ride with GPS and is available to all members.
This program allows easy creation of routes.
It has voice turn by turn navigation of a route using the Ride with GPS app on your smart phone.
We have many routes on the club site. This gives you the opportunity to do rides you missed or repeat ones you liked.
Open a personal account with your email as login and a password with this link.
Ride with GPS
To go from your personal account to the Club look for Wisconsin shape with Miatas in it or you may have the word "Club".
You are in the club site when the top band turns yellow.
The RWGPS website is the best way to create routes.
To use the navigation feature, put the RWGPS app. on your phone. Sign in... open club. Open routes, Download what you want to do, this allows you to not use data.
When you are at the start point , open route and click navigate.
I connect my phone to a power source. Otherwise it uses a lot of battery. I also connect to a speaker using Bluetooth and my car stereo.
When done with the ride, remember to "Finish navigation". Then you"ll be asked if you want to save ride. Ride and Routes are two different things. I suggest you don't save the ride,
you will still have the route. Ride saving is on the app so Bikers can track how and what they have accomplished.
RWGPS has a good help section and a you tube search can also expand on using the app and program.