For Sale
2008 Mazda Miata

My father passed away this November and he owned a 2008 Mazda Miata in excellent condition. It is a beautiful car, but it isn’t practical for our family right now and we would like to sell the car. The car was purchased 4/22/15 for $18,276.00, the mileage was 10,991.
Current mileage: 21,871 and the Kelly Bluebook range states if sold by a private party it is between $9,763-$11,779 in very good condition. It would be more of course if sold by a dealer since they increase the price. We would consider any fair offer so won’t ask a specific price.
There is a simple cover for the car which isn’t shown.
If interested call David or Rachel Hoyer at 920-739-0115 oe e-mail at

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