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Badgerland Miata Club at Miataland

by Staub

First Day

Breakfast was at 8:30 and we were on the road by 10:00. Andrea said he would take us on a long ride the first day because the weather report was questionable for the next two days. Everyone was assigned a car, including one couple from California. The five cars we one N/A, one N/B and three N/Ds. We were off to Orvieto, a UNESCO site about 70 Km from Miataland and not a straight road in sight. Andrea led the way, we followed, maintaining the speed limit. About an hour into the drive, we pulled off the road and changed cars, then proceeded to Orvieto. Orvieto was founded about 400 BCE. The Romans laid siege to town for two years before it surrendered, and then they destroyed the town because it was so difficult to conquer. People moved back into the area about 1200 AD to defend themselves during the local power struggles. The building in the city were built between 1200 and 1600 AD. In order to get to the city, you had to take a cable car up the side of the mountain. We explored the city and the beautiful Medieval Church. After about an hour we headed back down the cable car and were off again with everyone in different cars. After another 45 minutes, we stopped for lunch. We were in the middle of the country, no other building close, but it was obviously a very popular place. After eight courses of different Italian foods, we waddled back to the cars. Again, everyone switched cars and were off heading back to Miataland. After one more stop to switch cars, so everyone had a chance to try each car, we arrived back to Miataland just after 5:30. Having no desire for another meal some of us went exploring for wine, beer and snacks. After several failed attempts we did find a store open. We walked in just as they were closing. Not speaking Italian, we did convey the idea that we would be very quick. Then we headed back and had a leisurely night discussing the days events.

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Second Day

At breakfast Andrea asked if we would like to do another ride today, of course we said yes. This time there were just the four Badgerland couples. Andrea said it would be a shorter ride but over one of the most picturesque roads in the area. So again, we left at 10:00 o’clock and headed for Bevagna, another UNESCO site. I was probably a very picturesque road but I was more concerned on staying on the road. After arriving in Bevagna we spent about an hour shopping and viewing the town. Heading back on a different road we arrived at Miataland early afternoon. We then received a tour of his Miata collection. He has 51 Miata’s in a barn plus the 10 or so he has sitting around the B&B for use by the guests, as long as he leads the drive. He has bought Miatas in from all over the world, most are N/A’s and N/A special editions. After our tour we went out to dinner then relaxed around the back patio recalling the day.

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Third Day

Andrea had business in Rome today and it was supposed to rain so he could not lead us so we had no Miata ride. The Cinealises and Brights drove to the town of Assisi, burial place of ST Francis of Assisi and a UNESCO sight. The Staubs and Johns drove to Nardi, another UNESCO site. We couldn’t find a place to park the car so we drove on to Terne. Wandered the city, had lunch and headed back to Miataland. We relaxed that evening on the patio and finished our snacks before retiring for the night, then heading in different direction in the morning.

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