Update #2 (Septemer 17, 2023)
Saturday, October 14, 2023 - Color Tour
We will start the tour at Ski-Hi Fruit Farm, then head out on scenic roads to Hillsboro Brewery for lunch, then to Cashton (Amish country) where we'll stop at
Old County Cheese & Gifts store, Scenic View Bulk Foods & Bakery, and finally at River's Edge Pub & Grub in Lake Delton for dinner. BRING: Cash, Coolers, and
Credit Cards! Also, a positive attitude please! com
Trip for the day:
10:00 meet at Sky-Hi Fruit Farm - E11219A Sky Hi Rd, St Rd A,
Baraboo, WI 53913 608-356-3695
Newly remodeled, has Wollersheim products(wine, etc)
10:45 Driver Meeting (be on time please!) (PRE-ORDER slips for
lunch given out then)
11:00 Depart (exactly on the time!) to brewery for Lunch
Lunch listed on 1st sheet (MUST PRE-ORDER or long wait)
12:30 Arrive at Hillsboro Brewing – 206 E Madison St, Hillsboro,
WI 54634 608-489-7486 ( LUNCH PRE-ORDERED)
Use Bathrooms b/4 leaving
1:30 Depart to cheese store & gift shop
2:15 Arrive at Old Country Cheese Store – 1 bathroom
S502 Cty Rd D, Cashton, WI 54619 608-654-5411
2:45 Depart to bulk foods and bakery
3:00 Arrive at Scenic View Bulk Foods & Bakery - E11817 Irish
Ridge Road, Cashton, WI 54619 (port-a-potty)
3:30 Depart to restaurant
5:30 Arrive at River's Edge Pub & Grub, 30 Cty Rd A, WI Dells.
WI 53565 (608-253-6600) order off menu (see website)
For complete ride and menu information click here.