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June 15, 2024

Cars & Guitars Car Show

Host: : Mike Jelen & Auto Gallery

Update #2,(March 19, 2024)

It’s Miata Car Show Time! Got a shiny one with no scratches, dents or torn upholstery?

We have 10 club parking spots on hold for the annual Cars and Guitars car show put on by the Auto Gallery of Green Bay on Saturday 6/15/24. The hours of the show are from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. For our reserved spots, arriving between 8:00 and 10:00 AM would be best. This is a simple “shine and show” event. The bonus is the Gallery cars you will not see at other shows. Check it all out at the VIP registration, required for one of our reserved spots, is $25 per car. Mike Jelen VP NE region is the event coordinator. DO NOT sign up directly with the Gallery before the 4/12/24 date.

If you are inteested contact Mike Jelen by 4/12/24 at

Attendance List: May 27, 2024

  1. Mike and Annette J
  2. Timothy D
  3. John and Sandy M
  4. George and Linda P
  5. John and Bonnie S
  6. Peggy J
  7. Paul and Jenny Friedrichs
  8. Mark Mrozek
  9. Bill & Jan B.

BMC Line
