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August 11-13, 2019Buffalo County Stampede IIIHost: Ron & Paula Beckman, Henry & Laura Netzinger |
Update #2 (July 16, 2019)
The dinner at The Bluffs at Coffee Mill Golf Course needs to be paid for in advance. Henry needs the dinner choice and check by August 1st. Below is a link to the menu and sign up
Howdy buckaroos! Join the herd heading to Buffalo Country. Twenty-five count 'em, twenty-five switchbacks along this drive so sharp that they will prompt
you to select second gear whilst negotiating them.We meet at the ranch (AmericInn in Wabasha, Minnesota) Sunday evening, Aug. 11. Monday morning we will head 'em up and move 'em out to Buffalo County, located in the northern-most reaches of Wisconsin’s driftless (unglaciated) area. Climb Pretzel Pass, tame the tail of the alligator down Alligator Slide, (but look out, don't run into the Trempealeau River at the bottom) or gaze at the church atop Holy Knoll in Independence. (This is Trempealeau County's answer to Holy Hill in Washington County.) Thus, the locals fondly refer to the parishioners of Holy Knoll as, what else, “Holy Knollers”. We will circle the wagons at high noon for lunch in Fountain City. Nosh at the Monarch, nibble at Zum Golden Frosch (The Golden Frog), or tickle your taster at any of the chuck wagons on the main drag. After lunch we will move the herd north, enjoying more seemingly endless vistas atop the high bluffs and the curvaceous twisties that connect to the valleys far below. There will be a mid-afternoon break at the Danzinger Winery near Alma on the “Mighty Mississippi”, the “Big Muddy”, the “Father of Waters”, so be sure to have your camera ready. We will also be able to enjoy the riverscape as we travel a bit of the Great River Road. Thence, back to the ranch before dinner. Wabasha (home of the “Grumpy Old Men” movies) is situated at the southern end of Lake Pepin (a widening in the Mississippi River, which extends northward to Red Wing). This is a great vacation area with much to do, see and visit. Lodging Twenty rooms have been reserved at the AmericInn of Wabasha, Minnesota for August 11th & 12th. The room rate is $98.91 per night, plus tax. A hospitality suite has also been made available for our use. To make your reservations call 651-565-5366 by July 10, 2019. Indicate you are with the Badgerland Miata Club. The drivers meeting will be at 8:45 on Monday morning. Directions From the South & East: Travel I-94 north to Tomah. At Tomah, take I-90 west to LaCross. Continue on I-90 into Minnesota to highway US 61 (exit 270). Go north on US 61 to Wabasha. In Wabasha, turn right onto Hwy 60 (Pembroke Ave). Go one block and turn left up the hill on Commerce St to the AmericInn. From the North & Northeast: Take Hwy 25 south from Menomonie to Nelson. Continue on Hwy 25 through Nelson and across the Mississippi River to Wabasha, MN. Highway 25 becomes Hwy 60 in Minnesota. At the “T” (Grant Blvd) as you come off the bridge, turn left and follow the Hwy 60 signs to US 61. Turn right up the hill on the last street before US 61 (Commerce St) to the AmericInn. Dining Dinner Sunday night is on your own. Monday night, dinner is scheduled at The Bluffs at Coffee Mill Golf Course in Wabasha. We will have our own dining room overlooking the Mississippi River. A buffet and individual billing will be available. The hospitality room at the AmericInn is available starting 6pm Sunday and all day Monday. Please let us know by July 12 if you are not planning to join us for dinner on Monday, so we can get an accurate head count for our hostess. This drive will accommodate twenty cars, so sign up early, to join us in the roundup. Your Trailmasters, Ron & Paula B. Henry & Laura N. Registration: Email us at hnetz10@yahoo.com or call us at (608) 393-0432 Attendance List: (July 26, 2019)