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June 1, 2013

Tri-County Ride

Hosts: Greg & Carol B and Bernie & Kim B

Tri-County Run

(Posted June 10, 2013)
by Greg Bielski

Many came early to enjoy the Princeton Flee market where others devoured the famous Brat lunch at the American Legion. At high noon the Miata's began to assemble at the Princeton Municipal parking lot, and by 12:30 24 cars, along with their occupants, were awaiting directions. The short meeting began, but then the sky changed and a few rain drops were felt. At this point it was decided to raise the tops. All ran to their cars and, after performing the necessary task to save the interiors, all returned for the completion of the meeting. When the meeting ended the sky changed and many dropped the top before the run.

The Mayor of Princeton, Bob Mosolf, led us out of town. When he reached the city boundary he pulled off to the side and all waved. Bob waited for the last car to pass before he returned to his fair city.

Here we continued on CR T and, just before the intersection at Highway 73, the sky again changed. We pulled off to the side to begin the, "Miatan Rain Dance". This ritual is often confused with the, "Chinese Fire Drill". But they are easily distinguished in that the, "Miatan Rain Dance", requires a Miata and rain.

Heavy rains continued for the first leg but the sights of Green Lake could not be blurred. When we arrived at Dodge Park, the rain was gone and the skies were clear. Here, again, it was decided to Drop the Top. After admiring the deepest inland lake in Wisconsin and wiping off the rain from our precious cars, we were off on the second leg.

This leg took us away from the famous Green Lake and on to Lake Puckaway. Here we drove through the small Town of Marquette and continued on our merry way. When on Highway B, we left Green Lake County and entered Marquette County. I'm sure all gasped during this transition.

When on Gillette Road, it was decided to perform the Ritual of the U-turn. Rather than turning left onto 17th road we proceeded straight. When it was found that an intentional error had been made, the Ritual of the U-turn was executed with perfection. We returned to 17th, turned right, and continued our trip as if nothing had happened. Numerous times on this leg the competence of the drivers was tested. All passed and the proof is that all the Amish Exhaust was left untouched. The second leg ended at the Rendezvous, where we parked in the back forty. Here all enjoyed the various refreshments and snacks available.

The final leg started by going through downtown Montello. All were careful not to blink for fear they would miss something. After navigating through this fine city, we again found ourselves driving around the beautiful country side. This leg wound around Marquette County where we took in the beautiful scenery. Finally, we reached Waushara County, which is our final County. When we saw the water tower, we knew we were not lost. Civilization was close at hand. The fine city of Wautoma was just ahead and we knew that food and drink were close at hand.

We arrived at Silvercryst a little early. Although our tables were not quite ready the bar was open and the staff was in position to serve us. After a few cold ones we were escorted to our tables. The servers were great and not once did they mention that they discarded the, "Children's Menu".

I know I can speak for all in that the food was great and the company was fantastic. Thank goodness it is only two weeks till we meet again for the Holiday Mazda Drive.

Photos of this ride:

Link to photos from Craig H

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