Saturday - Nov 3, 2012
Annual Meeting
Hosts: Ron & Lin, and Tom & Mary Lynn

President Tom C. presided over the meeting, attended by thirty members. President Tom recognized and thanked all those involved in planning and conducting events during the year. He announced he was stepping down from the president position and a new president would be elected. Other officers stepping down are Cat A. (Newsletter), and MJ S. (VP-NW).

Thirteen events were proposed for 2013, plus the discussion of a possible event (Hi-Way 51 Tour) in conjunction with another organization. The result of ensuing discussion was to permit such event if it did not conflict with a club-sponsored event.

Don M proposed an appreciation awards program to recognize members for their service to the club. This was approved on a trial basis for one year. The proposed budget for 2013, including the costs for the Appreciation Awards program was approved.

Election of officers took place, filling all vacated positions. Officers elected for 2013 are:

  • President - Don M.
  • Treasurer - John G.
  • Secretary - Laura N.
  • VP-NE Region - Don B.
  • VP-SE Region - Bill J.
  • VP-NW Region - Toni T.
  • VP-SW Region - Dave B.
  • Editor - Laura N.
  • Publisher - Bruce G.
  • Webmaster - Craig H
  • Historian - MaryLynn C.

Newly elected President Don M. proposed a change in the membership dues, which was defeated in a voice vote. The president also requested VPs to contact former members and conduct an exit interview to learn the reasons for leaving the group. He further requested VPs conduct 'non-official' activities to get to know their members better.

Door prizes were drawn and the meeting adjourned

Following the business meeting, the group moved to the Ala Roma restaurant for a pizza party.


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